I would like to take a few minutes to talk to you about the unity of the body of Christ. What I am going to focus on today is, unity in the body of Christ among the saints as it relates to the great commission. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. First Ephesians 4:11-12 tells us: And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Jesus gave gifts to men in order for, the saints to fullfill the work of the ministry. The people who had the gifts were the clergy or the administrators, the apostles, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers. For without a vision the people perish. Nevertheless, the ones who are called to do the work of the ministry are the saints in general, not only the man at the front called "the pastor". When the pastor teaches and equips the saints for works of service, and they go and do them, that is true success. Now, what is the work of the ministry that the saints are called to do? The point being, there is an expectation, for unification, of the body of Christ, in doing the work of the ministry. Let's look at what that work is. Matthew 28:19-20 tells us: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. The word that is translated teach means disciple. It is implying something similar to what we would call an apprenticeship. Where you not only sit and get instruction, but you apply it, and put the things you are taught into practice, under the apprenticeship of a master teacher. I believe that one reason people have knowingly focused on going out and making converts instead of disciples in direct opposition to what Jesus commanded us to do is because they see the situation, they see the statistics about how many people die every day without knowing Jesus. Thus, they enter into a crisis mentality. They feel compelled to get as many people born again as they can, and as fast as they can. The priority is put on conversion. We the church, have not been making disciples, we have been making converts instead. This is why so many of us, although we have a real relationship with the Lord, and when we die we will go to be with the lord. Many of us are depressed, dealing with strife, and rejection. We are not living an abundant life, and it is because of this very issue. We are making converts and not disciples. When I say we the church have not been making disciples, I am talking about a large segment of the church. There are churches that are doing a marvelous job, but a large segment of the church is not making disciples. For what did Samuel say to Saul in 1st Samuel 13:13 ...Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God: The mission of the church as a whole, is to teach people how to teach people, that we through obedience to the word, would not cause God's plan in our life to be in vain. Towards the end of Go ye therefore and teach all nations. We, the Unity Of The Body Of Christ Alliance, are starting a prdominently, free bible college, with the purpose of teaching disciples how to teach disciples, so that they can go back to their church, their neighborhood, their state or even their country, and build their own bible colleges. For additional information, see the back page of the brochure for this revival.